Light painting!

I realise there are a lot of these blips tonight, but I love them!!

This wasn't what I had in mind to blip, or my back up blip... in fact I got to the computer and realised I had either a crappy firework blip with half of it missing OR a grainy image!!! So I made Colin turn his FIFA14 off to help me... He couldn't have been more helpful ;) I'm not sure many will like this, but I love the way this turned out without any effort!!!

This evening we had fireworks... Evie loved them, May was suspicious and Elliot hated them. This doesn't bode well for the village display on Saturday. I spent most of last year walking with Elliot up and down the road whilst they were going off!!! After the fireworks we had a Guy Fawkes quiz. I didn't know Evie had been learning about it all day today. She nailed it. I learnt several things from her today, some including: Guy Fawkes', real name was Edward, he was caught on the 5th of November (I acted shocked!!) in 1605, hanged in 1606, how he was caught and by how many people and what building he was caught trying to blow up!! I do love it when my children shine!!

Again, I have to apologise for my rubishness, everything is so busy or emotional here at the moment! I caught up and need to catch up again!!
Back blips!!

Eughhh bad times

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