family of 4 x

By CarrieMills

Halloween eve with my pumpkins

another half day at work for mummy today as Erin had her last introduction class at nursery I was a bit worried as on the way to the childminders this morning she ask me to come in with her today and not go home, ermm course I will???!!

we arrived at nursery, and she ran to the coat peg, dropped off her coat and ran in! not even a goodbye, so safe to say she's gonna be just fine!

I rushed home to put some Halloween decoration up, babies are still a bit young for trick or treating so last year Erin enjoyed giving the sweeties out so that was the plan again this year, and all in the warmth not the horrible cold and rain!

I picked Erin up and met Denise at school with Caleb and took babies home for pre Halloween fun.

Erin wasn't looking too good in the evening and had a temperature so just laid on the sofa. calpol, some cuddles and she was back on form.
both babies dressed in their pumpkin outfits got ready for some pumpkin carving. Erin drew two great faces, and daddy cut them out and Caleb was fascinated when we lit them up.

all in all a great Halloween eve x

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