Standing Tall

I could see the early morning mist as I was taking the kids to school. I had packed my camera in the car for this very as soon as I dropped them in the village I headed up to the moor to see if I could get my blip for the day. Oh my......I got so many that I really loved and it was beautiful up there, all peaceful and quiet except for the odd car/van.

My initial shot of this wind turbine only showed 2 of the blades but I preferred this one. I hope you like it too. I will upload some others to flickr tomorrow.

We have just finished fireworks in the back neighbours will be cursing me but Johnny was at football until 9pm tonight so we had to wait on him. Derek, Lynn and the kids came round was all too much for Jessica and she fell asleep on the couch!!

There will be tears in the morning getting this lot up!!

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