On Top of the World & Hunting Cane Toads

And here I give you the millionth shot of those two rascals.

What to say...my blip mojo is running low and so I reach for my muses in the hope that it passes soon and I find myself out and about again.

Autumn and Winter is a wonderful time for me to blip...I can stay outside for long periods of time an not have to worry about getting scorched.
Plus I love going out for the color in the sky but by now with daylight saving it gets too late for me........and at the moment the early mornings are just another story behind my eyelids.
I guess I still am an English lass even though I spent most of my life here in Australia...I may even have a bit of an Australian accent by now..... but my skin is still English.

Oh yes...running a bit late now as Jaiya found a cane toad in our garage and it was a bit of a palava getting the bugger out...slippery and ugly little suckers.

“You are an ocean in a drop of dew,
all the universes in a thin sack of blood.

What are these pleasures then,
these joys, these worlds
that you keep reaching for,
hoping they will make you more alive?”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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