Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

"Crustie the Balinese Crab

Hubby has been working today so I 've had the day to myself. I wandered down to the beach, camera in hand, and was transfixed by the tiniest of crabs, scuttling across the hot sand into their holes when anyone approached.

I then decided to "camp out" and wait until one popped it's head up. I was rewarded after about half an hour with "Crustie" who is no bigger than a pound coin. He moved his eyes in different directions trying to work out whether it was safe for him to come out again.

There is a slight downside to today's blip however - I was so engrossed in taking the photo that I didn't realise I was starting to burn in the extremely harsh morning sun. I now look like a lobster and am a wee bit sore. What we do for a blip!!!

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