Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Super Duper Star Student

I'm not going to lie... I strongly dislike my son's teacher. She's more into negative reinforcement than positive reinforcement, and she has on more than one occasion questioned my parenting techniques, but in the same sentence tell me how wonderful he is.

And a lot of the kids dislike her as well.... Mostly because, and I quote: "She doesn't give out gold star stickers, like, ever"....

So, when my little dude came out of class today smugly grinning and strutting, and several of the other kids being quite sullen towards him when saying goodbye, I wondered what on earth happened today.

She who hardly gives out gold star stickers at all ended up giving my little one not one star sticker, but two.... And they were even better than gold stars... They were spangly, and almost twice the normal size...
So my little man got TWO, and I'm wondering if hell had frozen over.

Teacher hunted me down (because naturally I stopped to take a photo of my smug/proud little dude showing off his stars) and me that he had been "a super duper star student today in every way". Cue proud mum moment.
Sweetening the deal was that she conceded I'm obviously doing something oh-so right with him as he is in his second year at school, a year younger than most kids in his year level, and academically he is almost on par with kids a year above him.

As a young mum, I've fought hard to prove I'm not the stereotypical young mum... Today it paid off with my harshest critic.
So, not only was little man smug and proud, I was as well...
I just lack star stickers. :(

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