secret garden

By freespiral

Strand Still Life

Grey, mizzly, damp - a useful morning doing a bit of writing and clearing work spaces. How liberating to throw away loads of school notes and other stuff that won't be needed again!

A quick walk down on the strand and I spotted this still life. So much seaweed has been washed ashore in the recent gales and high tides, and it's littered with plastic and other carelessly tossed rubbish. This is a strange fact. Whatever beach you walk on you are guaranteed to find an orange glove. This was just how it was though I did turn the shell over.

Last night's film, Renoir , was unexpectedly enjoyable - unexpected because I knew nothing about it. It focused on the last years of the painters's life and the arrival of a young and voluptuous muse; plus the return home of one of his sons from the war. Beautifully filmed, slowly paced, sumptuously lit, glowing colours and strong performances. Recommended.

Out again tonight for Mr Earthdreamery is in town and he and TJ are cooking. He had a bit of a trial getting here but hopefully has now succumbed to the many charms of west Cork.

And thank you for all the reassuring comments about dentists. I will have to bite the bullet and go while I've still got some teeth left (see Ceridwen, I'm being good!)

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