I've been in the new place for nearly a month now and, frankly, it's not gone that well so far. Sure, there's been the major triumph of the washing machine repair*, which I'm still chuffed about, but boxes mostly remain unpacked, I'm not sure when the rubbish is collected and I still have to mount a search party to scour the kitchen when I want to cook anything more involved than an egg.
The problem isn't just my Olympic-level procrastination, it's the fact that I don't know what to do with everything. I seem to have as much storage as at the old place but twice as much to put away!
I guess everyone's heard that old saw "How do you eat a chocolate elephant?" "One bite at a time" so I decided to stop worrying about *everything* and just do a job at a time and it worked brilliantly :-)
Of course, I'm nowhere near finished but there's no obstacle course to get to the dining table, anymore, (although there are still boxes in the hall) plus I have a rough idea of where everything will go now. Hooray!
In the afternoon, Dan and I wandered up to Booths and, as we were coming home, we saw this rainbow, which seemed like a good summary of my day.
*I turned the washer in the inflow hose around. And STOPPED A LEAK!
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