Rainbow Sun?

I tried by utmost to get a good shot of this, but they were quite crappy, and then Charmaine came from school with this on her iPhone! It was so amazing, it is the second time in the past couple years I saw this phenomenon and blipped it!

It is also known as a 22 degree halo or a sun halo, the ring is caused by sunlight passing through ice crystals in cirrus clouds within the Earth's atmosphere, the University of Illinois' Weather World Project 2010 explains. (See WW2010's website for diagrams that illustrate how it works.)

The crystals bend direct sunlight, projecting it elsewhere into the sky, and at a certain angle -- you guessed it, 22 degrees -- a halo can be seen around the sun. - All this thanks to Huff Post Science!

Oops, still wanted to say, please check my yesterday blip! ;-o

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