He can't do it sitting

Letting the horses in to the stables in the evening always follows an identical pattern.
Flash dashes out and gets behind the horses to drive them in. After 10 years he still hasn't realised, they come in willingly without his efforts, knowing there is food waiting. Still he feels important and he always gets lots of praise. Luna grabs a frisbee or ball and dashes about, totally without any particular purpose.

Then the gate is opened, first Asyr, then Rosie and finally Sultan - always the same order. When Rosie has eaten half her feed, she turns around, spreads her legs and p**s, before returning to her food. Asyr being the cultured Arab he is, takes his time seperating the mixed food and sorting out the order in which each grain is eaten. Eventually he finishes, goes over to Rosie's stall, puts his ears back and threatens her as he has a look in her 2nd (unused) feed bowl. Then he goes over to his hay, smells it, takes a nibble then does a 360° turn before spreading his legs and p**ing.

Angie has taught Rosie to accept having a bucket held behind her and Asyr to have it placed under him. Stupid as it seems it does save quite a bit of straw, particularly in winter when they have been standing on concrete all day (they don't like "passing water" on hard ground - the splashing!)

Sultan is very shy. We have tried several times to teach him but no success. As soon as we approach with the bucket, even when he is full flight, he stops straight away. However he does have the cleanest stall in the morning, piling all the solid stuff in one heap in a corner. Rosie's stall looks as though the contents had done a few turns in a concrete mixer. Asyr is pretty good too, even if he does it standing!

Lousy day today but next two days due to be warm before possible snow on Sunday.

Have a good Thursday one and all.

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