Ordinary day

Two more theories were discussed in today's lecture; Social Information Processing Theory and The Interactional View. The first one may be partially valid in the Blipfoto too.

Social Information Processing Theory

Based solely on he linguistic content of computer-mediated communication (CMC), parties who meet online can develop relationships just as close as those formed face-to-face—though it takes longer. Because online senders select, receivers magnify, channels promote, and feedback enhances favorable impressions, CMC may create hyperpersonal relationships.

The Interactional View

Relationships within a family system are interconnected and highly resistant to change. Communication among members has a content component and a relationship component that centers on issues of control. The system can be transformed only when members receive outside help to reframe their metacommunication.

Today was very ordinary day without any specific highlights. The weather wastypical November weather, grey, rainy and dark...

+5 C, cloudy and rainy

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