The story so far...



Today the house (well mummy, Ollie and cam) woke up a coughing, spluttering mess. Ollie looks awful and sounds like he is constantly grunting in between sneezes, mummy would feel like rubbish if she had time to think and cam is on a whole new level of grumpy, stroppy toddler.
The health visitor braved a visit to us this morning after Mondays's fiasco. She was greeted with a frosty reception but she did what she needed and Ollie is now up to 5.4kg (11lb12oz)
We had our usual lunch date with Amanda and William and after much persuasion by the staff we let the boys out of the pram to play. William sat nicely and played with the toys whilst cam was on a mission to escape. He even tried to rugby tackle Amanda when she wouldn't let him pass.
Cam however surpassed himself when went to the doctors for mummy's 6 week check. As no prams are allowed inside mummy was holding Ollie and cam was on his lead reins. Cam had the biggest paddy and spent the whole time in the waiting room rolling on the floor screaming or trying to run away and getting very angry when he couldn't. Mummy had to literally drag him across the floor in to the doctors office. Once inside cam decided to chaos causing wasn't over and kept opening the door and making a break for it. In the end Ollie had to go for cuddles with the secretary so mummy could regain control of cam. We were also informed that from now on we had permission to bring the pram inside.
Cam is still refusing food so tomorrow looks set to be as glorious as today, splendid!

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