In you I've found a story I want to keep hearing.
When I was little sweets were immense.
I stood in Stevie's Shop with my nose pressed against the glass, and I would select my tuppence worth of sweets from the assorted mix of chews and toffees and parma violets, and cherry lips.
Always to the right of the counter. Never to the left. To the left was the grown up chocolate. Turkish delight, Fry's Chocolate Creme, Mars Bars, and ... Walnut Whips. They all cost over 5p, some of them maybe even more than a shilling. One day, I thought, I would eat them. Yes I would.
I'm well past that day now,and I've ate ALL the sweets on the left hand side of the counter, and I mean all of them, every single last one.
Tonight beloved brought me home a Walnut Whip - one of the forbidden left hand side chocolates.
First off... new packet. The tower of Chocolate was ensconced inside a new packet. I couldn't get in. And then I couldn't remember what the original packet was like. Then I bit off the walnut, which I never do I hate walnuts. Then the BIGGEST sadness of all. The whip was only HALF FULL with fondant. Pft.
And then, I remembered a joke someone told me about Walnut Whips when I was about 10; and it involved Sex and the Vicar.... And I didn't get it then, and I can't remember it properly to know whether I get it now.
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