My Moto

The weather was pants today and not much occurring except work, so no really Blip opportunities.

So I thought I would Blip a little item I found in an Antiques Mall in America. Let me explain the Antiques Malls are a little different to Antiques in the UK. The Malls or large warehouse type locations and are full of little areas where individuals have a space to sell their wears.

There is a real mixture of items, it's a defiant Aladdin's Cave, there are genuine antiques, general tat, random items, things you would find in a charity shop or gift shop. But my sister in law A and I love walking around them and finding cute treasures.

So this little frame, A spotted and handed it to me. On reading the wording it was instantly put in the basket and a purchase made! What I like about it is that the sowing is about my standard, it looks well loved and the words make me smile. Oh and it was only $7 (about £4.50) and yet it has the price tag from a previous sale which says $16, so a bargain!

Just got to find a spot on the wall to hang it and wait for Mr Right to find me!

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