Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

The leaves they are a'changing...

I love it when the leaves start to change colour and you get all the gorgeous golden yellows and reds, its so pretty! If only we didn't have to have the cold and wet and dark to go with it... But hey, its not that much different to this years summer, lol. ;o)

I'm quite amazed that there are any leaves left on the trees at all with the wind we've had up here today, branches and all sorts have been flying around. One of our neighbours has lovely apple trees and the road outside its just littered with big rosy apples now! I took mums car down to Inverness earlier and was almost blown right off the Kessock Bridge - v scary.

Also quite surprised that this shot came out at all and isn't just a windy blur or a photo of my hair, which was everywhere!

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