
I found myself sitting in a cafe, eavesdropping, thinking, reading, staring out the window pondering the world, resisting the urge to throw sharp objects at the guy on his cell phone*, noting, planning, and generally treating into my world.

When I sat down, the two women behind me were involving in a overly polite, somewhat subversive, backhanded compliment-riddled battle of one-upmanship over their religious beliefs. Each was patronizingly "supportive" of each others devotion media, while touting their own with mock humility. It was worth it, however, to hear a young white twenty-something from the valley call Jesus "da boss" with absolute sincerity.

The table in front of me was quickly occupied by a couple of angry middle-aged folks taking turns in a non-stop political rant that utilized no alternatives, no productive suggestions, no real identification of any major issues, and no discernible logic. They routinely equated communists, fascists, and traitors. I swear they even interchanged democrats and republicans (and their ideologies). It took me twenty minutes to figure out what they were talking about. Then I nearly wept as I realized they likely agree with many of my political leanings.

When the guy on the cell phone finally turned to his companion and started on a detailed explanation of basic HTML, line by line, I had to go.

I retreated to my computer which helpfully provided me with intelligent and informed discourse, delightful distractions, and more information than I require. I appreciate my little corner of the internet for its sanitation and the cafe for its realism... Maybe I should find a new cafe anyway.

I also sorted through my bag of foreign and old money. This soviet 5 kopek coin reminded me of those communist fascist traitors.

*There were no such objects within reach at the time.

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