Lovember: The Little Shop of Treasures

I spend one afternoon a week at The Little Shop of Treasures.

I am learning a lot. I’m learning about stock rotation and Gift Aid and how to work a till which puts Arkwright's to shame. I’m learning how to ask for help when I don’t know how to do something and how to let people show me in their own time and way. It seems as well that I may also be learning how to work in that hitherto alien concept known as a team… Steady on!

I also have stupid amounts of fun making friends with the other volunteers and customers.

It’s just like a ‘real’ shop except we get genuinely excited about deliveries, we adore our customers and we never ever say “if it’s not on the shelf we haven’t got it”. Today I kitted out a lady who came in in tweed, in full Goth wardrobe for a photoshoot for £15.56; sat quietly with another lady who needed nightwear specific to her personal medical issues and managed to leave her calmer, happier and with a very pretty nighty and giggled with another lady the same size as me who left me with a list of things she’d like that she’d rather I didn’t buy for myself.

This angle was chosen particularly for Aunty Mim and Aunty Amy: see - I DO leave some!

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