These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

getting started early....

Little Miss Mia is taking after her dear Aunt Jenni. Here is a list of the facts.

1. Like Aunt Jenni, Miss Mia has a big brother who is completely hooked on sports.

2. Like Aunt Jenni, Mia gets forced into playing things she might not otherwise play.

3. Someday, Miss Mia will love sports more than most girls her age because of this big brother situation.

Tuesday's are officially the longest day of the week for me, but it was a very nice "long" Tuesday that ended with a game of football in the back yard. I convinced the kids I was too tired to play so Tyler handed me a musical instrument and told me I was the band. I had to play the fight song every time Tyler and Mia scored a touchdown. Lucky for me, I was also able to catch some pics of the game!

Now I'm headed to a hot bath and bed. Can hardly wait!

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