Biosphere II

The US, Arizona, and University of Arizona flags mark the entry to Biosphere II. Earth is Biosphere I.

B II was used in the 1990's for an extended environmental test. The 3.15-acre sealed glass house is a dazzling attempt to completely recreate the conditions and environment of Earth including a rainforest, desert, marsh, and an mini-ocean.

In September 1991, seven crew members walked into Biosphere 2, which was sealed behind them. They were charged with the task of growing their own food and conducting environmental experiments while sealed for two years inside the complex. The project resulted in several important results regarding oxygen usage and behavior of small groups in confined conditions. Also while they were to spend most of their time on science, they actually spent most of their time on maintenance.

The University of Arizona now has control of the facility and is using it for experiments especially water usage.

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