Dr Jones

By jones

Home made lemonade

After school, daughter #2 and her friends went to the garden to make home made lemonade. They then wrapped up warm, made a makeshift table out of cupboard doors and camped at the end of the road where they sold their produce. One guy came out and paid 50p for his cup of lemonade. He returned go his flat and came out again with a fiver. (All proceeds for charity).
Daughter #1 went to the kayaking gym session at Clarendon school.
My son went to have his hair cut.
In the evening, we had a parents' evening at his school. For the first time ever, he came with us. The message that we got from most teachers is that he needs to notch up one gear to get decent results next summer. The Mandarin teacher is much happier with him but he's still not achieving as high as he could.

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