Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos

The Rooster...

It was parent's night tonight for the Primary School boys...good reports all round.

That wee fella is being a tad lazy and needs to knuckle under and get on with the work:-) All round though, he's settled in well. And this year he's taking part in gym which is an improvement from his Nursery years:-)

The Buncle, has his trials with his dyslexia and memory issues, but although things are tough for him he maintains a great attitude towards his learning. His drawing is great and he pays great attention to detail.

The Rooster could charm the birds out of the tree's and each year at parent's night it is evident to Mr R & I that this is the case...he is a charmer:-/ He chances his arm just so far with his teachers...and seems to know the limit with them. Boundaries are tested in the home it seems with the Rooster, which I can live with happily.

Examples of work from all if you click on the links above...but show casing this wee acrostic poem of the Rooster''s him to a tee...pity there's not a 'c' in Ruairidh for 'charm' ;-)

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