Wet Leaves on the Driveway

This morning it poured. The wind was lashing too. I drove Helena to an appointment and found out it would last two hours. So I dropped her off and went home. By this time the rain had abated a bit so I took a walk around the garden taking pictures of all the leaves the wind had blown off. Many were lying on the driveway in a mixture of colors from the various trees we have. I took quite a few pictures and this is one of my favorites. I processed it using the Nik Viveza 2 plug in to increase the detail and contrast. Then I used the Photoshop poster edges filter to make it more illustrative. Voila!

Soon it was time to take Arvin to his appointment so off we went. While there Helena called. Hers had ended early, so I zipped up to get her and we got back to Arvin's just in time for it to be over. That worked. We had enough time for lunch before the three of us headed off for a joint appointment with a new support group. The meeting was very helpful for all three of us. And we met lots of new folks who are sharing the same issues we are. So that was very good.

Now we are home and a quiet evening is in order. This is a good thing. Tomorrow there is one more appointment and then Helena and I get to go to Book Club. Ahhh. I love going even though I honestly have not read the last two books. Luckily nobody really cares. The point is to spend time with wonderful friends talking about whatever we want to. ;-) Next time I hope to actually read the book. This time there was just too much going on.

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