Bob and Caley

Its been a long week. Four big site days creates a lot of data but it is all processed and done. Just like this time last week I was worried about work for the next week but I even have that sorted out now.

Cold weather has the effect of bringing any battery problems to the surface. Our kit is heavily dependent on a whole array of rechargeable units. Our cold days in the Angus Glens has brought forward the need to replace two controller batteries. The controllers are hand held Windows CE devices. They have a lot of on board number crunching power as well as being electronic field books for logging our measurements.

Our Trimble kit is absolutely amazing technology but my goodness it is expensive. You guess what you think the part will cost and then put a zero on the end of it. Anyway I couldn't put off the dreaded purchase any longer in case we got stuck mid shift somewhere. Whatever else I get excellent service and support from the supplier based in Loanhead and after a phone call yesterday I have the new ones delivered today and on the charge for the start of the week.

In other news Bob is off light duties and I took him and Caley to Achaderry while the girls had a run. It was great to see him at the usual nonsense with his brother again. Its a more entertaining picture than a Trimble battery.

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