Jamie scissors hands!

Had the dogs down at the vets today.
I've changed our vets to one in a nearby village. The practice is run from a porta cabin, with the waiting room being benches outside..... (I chose to stand today.... Benches were a little damp!).... But he doesn't charge the world and seems to have the animals best interest at heart.... As apposed to his wallet.

I love the way he decides on the dosage of medicine for your dog ... Eyes them up and down, and if they are small enough he lifts them up to get a
guess-timate weight!!
Makes me smile every time!

The dogs are both fine by the way..... Ozz had to get a certain little gland empties.... Eeewwww! And Flynn got some antibiotics for a wee skin infection.... Sensitive old sod! .... He's been nibbling himself!

In the afternoon jamie's little pal came round and they glued and cut and coloured in!
Fun fun fun!!

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