CJ visiting the new hoose!
Here is the newly installed stair in our soon to be completed , long awaited house. Hard to believe that in only a few weeks we will be living here, complete with Nonny, pup and Geo the cat.
We started this journey 3 and a half years ago with our daughter asking if we were ever going to build another house. On hearing that we were-her question of when sparked a conversation which ended with "well mum-you could have a SMART objective of owning a plot within 12 months!"
There and then we started looking online for some land and within five months we owned a promising looking plot in the East Neuk of Fife.
It has been a tortuous, frustrating, exciting process since then and I am glad it is coming to a close. We are very fortunate to be in this position and do feel humbled by the fact that we have made this-from nothing!!
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