All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Stockings but no suspenders!

As my sister kindly posted my blip on my behalf yesterday, some of you will know that I got taken into hospital after a scare with the baby. We initially went to A&E where the doctor there scared the living daylights out of us by saying he thought we'd lost the baby. However, we then got taken up to maternity where luckily they were far more reassuring. Got a brief scan and heard the heartbeat on doppler which was very reassuring.

We were also booked in anyway for our 20 week anomoly scan today which I'm pleased to report showed a perfect baby. We found out the sex too but will keep it a secret for now!

I was given surgical stockings to wear too and have to now keep them on till 6 weeks after the birth! They're a nightmare to put on especially when you have a cannula in your hand, so as you can see from the photo, my mother was recruited to help out. (Makes a change from her doing my ironing)!

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