West Coaster

By WestCoaster

A Little Blue Sky

apologies again the the very late entry, tiredness it seems is my friend again and before I could get my entry up I was taken by sleep again.

I shot the reeds the other day on a cold grey day but early today not long after sun I returned and shot them with the vibrant blue sky, I knew the contrast with the reeds and the blues would work well although I was a bit reluctant about shooting essentially the same shot a couple of days apart as I would hate if any viewer were to be bored with the shots I publish.

There was a stillness that echoed the shotness of the reeds against the sky. The river still, not a sound as \I wandered, the joyes of being out early iin the morning.

I hope you like my return to colour , the forecast for the weekend is not good so I suspect monochrome will win out again but we will see. Enjoy the shot, best in large I suspect, another for my friend

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