Andy's Photo Journal

By andmoff

Saturn V

Busy wee day.

Made my way around energy suppliers, telecom suppliers, made a curry, fixed the weans bikes and we made a Saturn V. This of course meant that extensive use of youtube was used to show the boy the glory of the Saturn V. Funny how this is a landmark in my memory the last launch being when I was his age, he has nothing that momentus to reference to be honest, nothing that exciting. Is that what we've become as a species? We will off course being seeing one in April. The weans me cannae

More blip navel gazing: when is not being excellent really not being excellent if it's a bit of criticism?
We see things that we do find a bit off personally but are perfectly within the tolerance and acceptance of others. Is it right to say something or just let it go? (not talking about stuff so bad that an email to blip central is required). If people aren't being abusive in their concern in what is happening in their community can't they say so in a respectful manner without being instantly labeled "an abuser"? The community is open, what we post is open to all here, there are no closed curtains or door and the place is all the better for it, but when someone does say something on your journal is it right to cry harassment and play the victim card? Is that being excellent? Human beings are weird at the best of times but you don't half see some strange behaviour on the internet. There's a Phd (or a thousand…..) in there waiting for clever students….

Right enough navel gazing, I have weans to put to bed then it's hoppy beer, shite TV and cheeselets.

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