Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini

Mannequin sketch

So, sanity is still nowhere to be found, and Manne here is still quite happy to pose for me while I'm too injured to be out taking interesting photos with artistic merit, or at the very least have something to do with my day.

Little dude found a pad of post-it notes in one of my drawers when I asked him to grab something for me. I've got about a year's supply of post-its at any given time, so it wasn't a big deal when he asked if he could take it.... And then I had the idea to make it like the sketch mannequin had been sketching. So, while he cannot take credit for the masterpieces he is holding, Manne and little dude are basically brothers (did I mention sanity is playing hide and seek still?), so Manne does look rather proud, displaying the drawings.

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