One Month

It has been one calendar month today since we lost my Dad. I've taken some photos over the past month and have good intentions to write up my thoughts on here but then when it comes to it I don't quite have the strength to. I'm going to try to upload and documents how it has been but in my own time.

The past few days have been particularly difficult and I had a tough time at work on Thursday which has knocked me and I don't think I've quite found my feet again, not that I've found my feet at all over the past month. Just stumbling around is how it really feels.

I spent Friday night at mum's and went off for my asthma review this morning, my Doctor was also Dad's doctor and we talked a bit about bereavement and how I'm coping. I'm generally keeping myself very busy but I acknowledged that I don't allow much time for peace and quiet so I saw Luke in the afternoon and we just sat and it was good. Was back with Mum for early evening, Paul suggested we watch the Remembrance Concert from The Royal Albert Hall as Dad always enjoyed this and then we played a game, this blip is of The Great Game of Britain and this version is way older than me and was purchased in 1973 when my parents were married! It was a nice light hearted way to end the day.

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