
By LoJardinier

A robust gate

This is the third in a short study of garden gates along a path in my village. The first is here, the second - a view along the path and explanation of their irrigation- is here. I'm tagging the series garden gates.

This is a favourite of mine - the frame is sturdy but still low enough and open enough to see what a gardener is doing and to have a conversation. And I would get a lot of pleasure from opening and closing that bolt.

Now I'm going to ask you to be tolerant, because I did used to teach psychology, and I believe that walls and gates, like the facades of houses, say a lot about the ways we want to present ourselves to other people. Without stretching this analogy too far, this gate makes me think of a robust sense of self, but behind which you get glimpses of interest, colour and mystery which spark curiosity. Don't get put off by the iron, and you'll get to know it. Of course the owner may not be like that, but his or her garden gate is.

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