On the way from the woods...

Today was another day of magnificent cloud formations.
As the sun came through this afternoon, I thought it would be nice to take Alfred to the woods. When we got there, it was complete devastation. So many trees were uprooted in the big storm, and they have already been removed and cut and the wood stacked for transportation. So many beautiful pines lost - I had no idea that it had been so badly hit. There was a ban on going into the woods, which has now been lifted, so this is the first time I've seen it since. We didn't stay as the ground was all churned up by the machinery and flooded so the path was impassable (unless you're a dog of course and don't care about mud and such!). Alfred was not amused when we turned and left - but I'll make it up to him! I hope the wood recovers soon - it's just a mess at the moment...

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