Dirt Mynci

By dirtmonkey

travelling light

I've owned a handful of VW beetles in the past, but always wanted a split screen camper. This little fella here is one of the first toy cars I owned as a kid. I came very close to buying a 1965 21-window Samba about six years ago, but chickened out. Part of me is gutted that I didn't get it (they're worth more than 4 times the price now), but I know it would've been a total money pit.
The camper is still on an ever reducing list of things I'd like to own. The list is shrinking not because I've purchased the items, but more to do with the fact I no longer yearn for material posssesions in the same way I did when I was younger.
Major changes happened to me over the past five years, and along the way I've either lost, had to give up or just decided to leave items behind.
I'm not saying I'll give up all my posessions and start wandering this earth in a pure hobo stylee, but it does feel good to be travelling light(er).

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