
By hebsauntyval

Flippin gutted

Manic this morning.....had to be in Northampton early as the bus was leaving for the Cenotaph at 7.30. Typically we both failed to hear the alarm, and woke up at 6 instead of 5.30 Consequently we ended up rushing round like a pair of demented things to get ready and out of the house for 6.30
Grabbed bag and camera and just made it in time. Got to Horse Guards and got camera out to take the usual first pic of the boys with Admiralty Arch in the background and the dreaded words appeared on the screen.....`insert memory card`...all the profanities I could think of where uttered but there was nothing I could do other than smile sweetly and carry on.
Neither of us had bothered with our phones so I went through the day camera-less (not for the first time) and waited until we got home tonight and took this pic of Chris` beret and cap badge.
To rub salt into the wounds, I had recorded the whole programme and when it came to the Pioneers being mentioned, the TV camera cut from just before the tail end of the boys marching through to another marching group so he wasn`t even able to see himself on telly.
Ah well, always next year....

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