Monkeys Always Look

By slm

I've seen you before

Ever had a parent live with you? My father currently lives in my house. There's a huge story behind why this has happened to me at 34 yrs old. I'm not going to tell it here, at least not now. I'm just going to vent about how it sucks to go from having someone on the outer edges of your life, having minimal contact with them, and only for a few hours max when that happens, to having them in your house 24/7.

I don't care about what's wrong with the car, or how many mechanics you talked to about it today. No, I don't think the cell phone company is out to get you personally. I don't need a detailed retelling of how they fucked up your account. It's bad enough that I have to show you how to use the damn thing. Every week. I'm tired of listening to your paranoid conspiracy theories. No, I don't want to hear about your latest 'plan' to make money. I'm tired of listening to your racist comments. I'm tired of listening to your 'poor me' sob stories. You have made all the choices that put you where you are. I'm tired of people asking me about what and how you're doing. I haven't known for the last 20 years and I don't plan on starting to keep track of you now.

I hate that you've corrupted your youngest son. I hate that you make your oldest daughter feel unloved. I hate that you can't figure out why she's distant with you. I hate that you interrupt me with pointless chatter when I'm trying to get shit done. Or talking on the phone. Or watching TV. I hate that you're a functioning alcoholic. I hate that you won't admit you have a problem.

I don't like you. We have nothing in common besides genetic material.

I hate you, Dad.

I love you.

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