through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


It's been way too long, blip.

Well, way too long as in I haven't blipped anything... but I've been looking at others' and when I miss something from the past, my own. Considering what happened last night and throughout last week, I decided to come back to this.

Everything is going by too fast though.

It honestly feels like I was just a freshman in college last week; I was preparing for my trip to Taiwan two nights ago, and was just coming back from IVLI yesterday.

I met up with my closest friends yesterday.

Three of us decided to drive down to Naperville to see one of our other close friends since two of us has graduated and is now working while the other two, still in school. Distance is now a reality for us. The real life responsibilities is now a barrier to the freedom we once had when we wanted to just see each other within a few staircases and hallways.

Yesterday was windy and cold, so we decided to just sit in my car and catch up after grabbing a few Starbucks. As I looked around at each of their faces and simmer in the memories of what we each has gone through, it was bittersweet. We've all aged in some ways, with our faces showing eyes that have aged with wisdom or hurt; smile wrinkles that shows our past joys and blessings; and words that would come out of our mouths we probably would never have expected ourselves to say ten years ago.

I love these sisters.

And my heart ached knowing after this year, these kind of trips and reunions would be even more rare, more precious.

I gave Grace and Sarah a super early Christmas present yesterday. Our new triple ring (given the first one's lost and the second one rotted from water)... along with the news of my new destiny after college.



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