Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

West Loch Tarbert

Things must be getting back to normal, well almost normal for us. Two blips two days in a row!!!

back to our usual Sunday vist to our friends in Tarbert. A lovely afternoon spent walking along the shore o West Loch Tarbert looking across to the West loch Hotel. Spoiled for choice of blips as the light and colours were magnificent today in the low November sun.

A very late blip as we had the Badminton Club tonight instead of Tuesday night as we have something special on then and would have had to cancel the club. Didn't want to disappoint the teenage members so needs must. Along we went to take the club. Don't believe all you hear about lazy teenagers, this group are so enthusiastic and give no quarter when they play even poor old me with my dodgy old knees, Still I did get to the doubles final tonight.

Hope you all ha a good weekend.

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