The Life of Bri

By bri

Combine Harvesting

Had a very interesting chat with the driver of this harvester (and did I think to take his photo - no!)

He was telling me all about the new one he wants to get (but the boss won't let him cause he maintains this one too well).

Apparently the latest ones measure the exact yield in each part of the field as you harvest (controlled by GPS), and then when you go to fertilise for the next season, a computer in the tractor combines the yield data with soil sample data to control the exact amount of fertiliser which goes on every part of the field to bring it all up to the same yield...

Also covered where the best sequence in which to grow potatoes and wheat in the same field, why the wheat at the edge of the field is rubbish only suitable for cattle feed, the precise 'dryness' you want to harvest at (and why it has to be drier if you're harvesting for seed than if you're harvesting for processing) and who owns which field where.

Fascinating stuff.

(to me anyway).

Also spoilt for choice so stuck a few more on Flickr

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