Thistle Down

By Ethel

Endearing Time's such a nearing, endearing time,
At this time of year.
When chilliness is in the air,
And warm-waves still appear.

When night sends out its chill embrace,
And the season's hand is dealt.
When clouds make high their get-a-way,
And roaring winds are felt.

T'is the end of our misty days,
When falling leaves are seen.
And shadows move upon the ground,
There is tricks in halloween.

The bats and witches fly about,
And the owl sits in the tree.
The goblins and ghosts dart past your eyes,
And the spirits dance with glee.'s such a nearing, endearing time,
In trickery...we glean.
And join in the weird and queer beliefs,
That come at halloween.

E.P. 1908 - 1989

These are all Ethels'.

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