
By Aliscotia

The Nobbies

We travelled to Philip Island to see the parade of Little Penguins onto the beach at sunset. Unfortunately you can't photograph the penguins as their eyes are very light sensitive and the flashes would confuse them. There has to be a blanket ban on cameras as so many people don't know how to switch off their flashes. We did see a couple of people flaunting the rules but we just hunkered down in the cold and wind with our numerous layers on and watched the delightful little penguins doing their waddle home. Really pleased we went as it is a ritual that has been going on for hundreds of years and we are glad we have witnessed it. The rock formation is just off the coast and is called the Nobbies as it looks like a bowler hat and a bowler hat would have been worn by a toff or snob. Snobbies became Nobbies and the name stuck.

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