Everyday Life

By Julez

Twinkle , twinkle...

This piece of awesomeness is a Salted Caramel Cream Latte, and it is delicious beyond belief! Nothing it seems to me, has any real nutritional content these days, and the more delicious it is, the less goodness it has! It seems to be an evolutionary flaw that the worse something is for us, the more it appeals to our taste-buds. We are equipped to eat plants and protein, i.e unadorned meat and veg. But the genie is out of the bottle now, and there's no putting it back! With nutritionally nightmarish explosions of ever more delicious, addictive combinations of fats, sugars and carbohydrates so readily available, it is hard to eat healthily and not feel deprived. I know I would not have enjoyed a green tea, or even a decaf (Spit, spit!!) coffee with skimmed milk anywhere near as much as I did this confection! Whoever it was that said "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" had plainly never drank one of these, or tried a Krispy Kreme doughnut, or a white roll stuffed with bacon and dripping with ketchup!

The Fast Food industry is worth billions, as, of course, is the diet industry - peddling a new, revolutionary miracle weight-loss solution every few months. Not one of which is a success in the long-term, or we would all do it and their gravy train would grind to a halt!

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