Babysitting Akira

Simon & Garfunkel - The Boxer

After a wicked gig, I stayed overnight in Nagoya and got a good rest at the capsule hotel. Met a close friend in the morning to sell a few items, one major piece being my Nintendo 3DS. I never played it despite having bought it over a year ago. I suppose a lot of things are happening in my life to waste my time playing video games. Love video games and had you met me 5 years ago or so I would have talked your ear off about video games. Even though I still love and respect the industry, I simply have too much going on in real-life to bother with avatars or PS3 trophies or X-box Achievements that have no productive value. I know I'm not good enough of a gamer to make money out of it. Nonetheless, it was sold and I had a chat with my close friend H.

After this, I went to Mie to babysit my godson, Akira with my other close friend, M. It was awesome looking after the little tucker. I kissed him so much and hugged him just to see him smile. I know it's selfish but knowing that I can be part of his life and help his wonderful parents, who are both my close friends, fills me with personal satisfaction. I stayed over and was happy to be woken up in the morning with the little guy's crys for attention. Despite not getting much sleep, it was so fun carrying him in the hopes of soothing his anxiety. I slept later on only to be woken again with him crawling on top of me trying to share his bottle of milk. I dunno, this is incredibly worthwhile and I just feel at ease being with him. Love him so much.

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