Why Be Serious?

By BlackmailGnome

After a small break away...

It seems that after the breakage earlier this year we are one step closer in replacing the camera (why don't I just use the old Canon A560? Well that too is broke but can, as seen here, still take a picture or two).

Problem being is that I have short listed two cameras.

The first is a bridge camera, the Nixon CoolPix L320:
It's cheap, got a decent sensor on it, has a good zoom and did I mention it's cheap?
But lacks great image quality and has zero in the way of manual controls.

The second though is the entry level Canon DSLR, the 1100D:
Great image quality, manual controls, decent optics in the kit lens, and the ability to shoot in RAW.
Going against it is the limit zoom of the kit lens and, oh yes, the price, at double the weekly price of the Nixon...

I know, the Canon should win hands down but it is too close to Christmas and we have the kids to worry about rather than ourselves... so see how it is?

If I could turn back time, I would slap myself in the face before looking at reviews of the Canon so that I wouldn't be in this position... Actually saying that, I would travel back in time and advise myself about not wearing the blue t-shirt that fateful Wednesday...

Oh, this blip is of the surprise set of BF4 Dog Tags that turned up the other week when my pre-order arrived. Nothing at all to do with this write up but that is the way cookies roll these days...

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