Tools to soothe my horrible day
Oh what a day I had.
I had a meeting across Helsinki. I took my umbrella as it started to rain. it was so windy that my best umbrella broke down and I was soaking as I reach my destination. After the meeting I was dry again, but got wet again as I had to walk to metro station. Then I went to but school books for my son. My back bag broke down. I was wet, it was raining and I had to carry everything in plastic bags as I walked in the rain to work.
That wasn't the worst of my day. Someone attacked my professionalism and told a reporter that I'm not what I'm telling I am. That I have no right to call myself what I call myself. Suggesting that I have no right to do what I do. That was the worst of today. I got it settled with the reporter, that I'm not lying etc... But after that happened I've felt so low. I can't understand why I was attacked like that. I think I do very low key things under the radar, not drawing attention to myself. I do what I do. I don't need to boost my ego with it. I try to help people relax with the classes I give. If a reporter asks me, I answer. I don't contact reporters trying to get attention. And this person attacking me is a person who teaches loving kindness. That's what really amazes me. If you really teach loving kindness you don't lie.
As I got to the studio where I teach on Tuesdays I was there an hour earlier than usual. In the picture is my Tibetan Singing Bowl and a lovely CD by Lesley Garrett (Amazing Grace). I put the CD on and just laid down and relaxed and just felt the moment.
I wish you all peace and joy.
Loving-Kindness Meditation - Peace-Joy
A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema
Please put your attention on the breath for a few moments.
Look into your heart and see whether you find any troubles, worries, fears, dislikes, or desires, any plans, resentments, rejections, or opinions, which arouse anxiety, disquiet, dis-ease. If you find anything like that at all, let it float away like black clouds that are being disbursed by the wind in the sky.
Now look into your heart again and see the spaciousness, the openness, the purity of non-judgment and non-hate. Experience this open spacious purity, and then fill yourself from head to toe with peace and joy overflowing from your heart. Surround yourself with the warmth and care of love and compassion.
Please put your attention on the person nearest you in this room and let your heart reach out to him or her, sharing your peace and joy and giving your love and compassion as a gift.
Share the peace and joy you feel in your heart with everyone present, letting them flow to each person in the room. Then surround everyone with the warmth and care of your love and compassion.
Think of these people, who are near and dear to you. Share your peace and joy with them. Let the feeling flow into their hearts. Embrace them with your love and compassion, without expecting the same in return.
Remember all your good friends. Share your peace and joy with them, filling their hearts and minds with these feelings. Embrace them with love and compassion, letting them have the warmth and care from your heart.
Think of all the people who are part of your life, at work or when shopping; on your travels, or where you live. Share your peace and joy with them. Let your heart overflow into their hearts. Surround them with love and compassion. Make them equal to those that are near and dear to you.
Think of anyone in your life with whom you may have difficulties. Let peace and joy flow from your heart into that person's heart. Embrace him or her with love and compassion, letting that person have warmth and care as a gift from you.
Think of all the people whose lives are far more difficult than ours; in hospitals, in prisons, in refugee camps, fighting a war, blind, crippled, hungry, without friends, without medicine. Embrace them with your love and compassion, so that they may feel some peace, some joy, some hope. Let all the love and compassion you have, flow out, reaching out to as many people as you can.
Now return your attention to yourself. Feel only peace and joy in your heart, recognizing that everything else your heart may have contains has dispersed. Embrace yourself with love and compassion, with the warmth and care from your heart, feeling at ease, safe and secure.
May beings everywhere have peace and joy in their hearts.
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