
By WhiskyFoxtrot

Every Day is a School Day

An early start to go to an awayday for the day job. Normally I don't like these things - when you've been to one, you've been to twenty. This, however, was an awayday with a difference. We went to Broughton High School that includes the City of Edinburgh Music School, a specialist dance school and the Scottish FA Football Performance School.

The young people were truly impressive. Their talents seemed endless and they were wonderfully pleasant to chat with. I was envious because the school has a photography department so the pupils were taking photos of usreportage style but we couldn't take photos of them (understandably).

The subject of this photo of a photo is a former Headmaster. I was struck by the tenderness in his eyes. I can imagine that he would be proud of the caliber of the current cohort.

Every day is a school day and life is a cabaret, old chum.

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