School Photography!

Hi everyone!

First of all, massive apologies for the poor quality of this picture - I took it with my (really old!) iPod, and the camera on it is rubbish! Anyway, these are all the photos I've taken at school for photography! I got my own section of a wall in the corridor to arrange a display - the top 3 are the 'film camera' shots, which I developed in the dark room. The second row is portraiture, and the third is still life, both of which I've edited with Photoshop. Next week, we'll be getting our proper assignments, which I can't wait for!

Sorry for not blipping yesterday, and I hope you all took part in remembrance day. We had a minute's silence in school, and I would've blipped, but I lost my poppy at the end of the day, and I didn't want to blip anything else.

We also had the first meeting of The Fairtrade Club in school yesterday, and we had a grand total of, (drum roll please!)......... 4 members! Me, Bianka, an S1, and an S2 (That's a 12 year old and a 13 year old, for anyone that's not from Scotland). It sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun though - we'll be organising a coffee morning for staff, and then we'll be selling Fairtrade goods to the pupils!

And finally, on Friday, we'll be having a 'dress down' (I.e - wear what you want) day in school to raise money for charities that'll be helping with the disaster in The Philippines. Hopefully we'll raise a lot!

Have a good Wednesday!

Steven :)

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