Building Sn3 and N Worlds

By Stationmaster

Dolores goose barn structure

Got started on scratch building the goose barn for Dolores. Since there is no ready made model of the structure, I will scratch built it. The process is fairly easy. I first build a base structure from black foam core. It is just a hair thinner than 1/4". It is dimensionally stable but needs to be braced in the back so that it is straight. I used scale plans from a person named Mike Blazek. He has documented many of the buildings on the RGS with great scale drawings - in HO, S, and O scales. I transfer the dimensions from the drawing to the foam core, cut out the pieces, and glue it together.

This will be a fore-shortened model as I do not have enough depth to do the whole building. It will be only a small amount the building depth and will be right against the backdrop. Not perfect but when I sit and operate it is at eye level and gives the appearance of the goose barn. The RGS used this barn to store their Galloping Goose motorcars. Later in life, it served as a freight station.

The siding will be scale corrugated metal, with heavy timber below to the ground. The loading dock deck will also be timber. Each end had doors into which the geese ran. Since I have not enough room for a track, only part of the door will show.

I plan on using scale lumber from Mt Albert Limber Co in Canada - wonderful quality and dead on scale. Until recently the range of S scale corrugated siding was slim but Wild West Models came out with a paper product that I used on the little goose gas shed so I will use that on the barn.

Now the fun part - cutting out and gluing on the finished materials to the foam core base. You can tell that I wan not terribly actuate or neat with the cuts - the base will be covered.

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