occhi verdi

By occhiverdi


Travis' main squeeze, Cat, feeling for motion at the OA during the first year's OMM lab this afternoon.

Today was weird. I'm on a roller coaster of emotions it would seem which is somehow transmitting very easily to others. Something on my face seemed to be screaming to everyone around me, "Give me your unsolicited advice!" I can assure you it was not the mouth part of my face.

Nothing chocolate milk and no more studying can't fix. (Did that transmit well with all the negatives? Disclaimer: I don't care.)

Pros for the day:
- played music for some of our patients this morning. they hated it because apparently I only listen to sad "folksy" music.
- tomorrow I get to see my family
- Thursday I get to hang out with my best friend Foley. (NOT MATT.)
- met with an ophthalmologist in town who gave me some encouraging advice about residencies and my chances there.

I think thinking about residency is giving me anxiety that I can't get under control. Today I'm going to deal with these feelings the best way I know how at this moment... by not dealing with them at all. Maybe adding some chocolate pudding to the mix.

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