By BuschObama

Conceptualise your ideas

Just an ordinary lunch at a nice Thai restaurant maybe,but what makes it memorable was the effective way of conceptualising the way the food was served. You point at your selection of choice and the staff fill the 5 dishes. Unique selling point is a fine term for the simple concept.

What do you get? You get served what you select and quickly so. What do the restaurant owner get ? He gets many more customers at the same time,less waiting in line,much less waste overindulging and higher net profit. The Swede eat their lunch in 60 minutes so speed is crucial.

That was todays practical lunchlesson which added value to the end of the marketing and coaching day we began today with Urban Gavelin from Venture competence.

The last thing a farmer does is to sow sparingly, he sows almost everything he has, in effect it is his marketing. Especially in times of a downturn in the economy every person in business for themselvesf should do the same.

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