With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Lost the crop

Well in fact my left click is just about completely gone, so I can't do a lot of things never mind crop, unless I use the boys computer. Can I get a look in. No, not really. This would look better without the buildings etc, but oh well...

One of those long days, with a parents' meeting at my work, but I had a lovely compliment, so that's all right then. Stuff sorted with Ben at his school too, though I had to arrange for him to be picked up early from school as he wasn't feeling well. Virus I think, not nerves. I hope that's the end of that.

Meanwhile back at the ranch, things as snormal, but a few piles of mess less means I did get a cup of tea, but I haven't made dinner yet and it is getting late. Poorly food needed for Ben just to be safe.

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